Two-Way Sync

In this article

we describe the two-way synchronisation processes between Shelf Planner and your WooCommerce store.

Live Synchronisation

Product Meta Data

There is a live synchronisation between your store and the app for the following measures and values:

Measure / KPI


Type / Calculation / Algo



CategoryWooProduct Meta DataWalletsNo
Product NameWooProduct Meta DataPS SmallNo
Product IDWooProduct Meta DataPS-001No
SKUWooProduct Meta Data001002No
Current StockWooProduct Meta Data10Yes
Manage StockWooParameter, flagYesYes
PriceWooProduct Meta Data€ 100,00No
Final PriceWooProduct Meta Data€ 75,00No

* Editable in my.shelfplanner app

Whenever any of these values are updated a synchronisation starts immediately to update the data. 

Refresh Product Data

It can happen that there is a minor lag between your store's server and the app. In that case, you can simply refresh the page or refresh the tables with the refresh buttons on top of the tables:

Two-Way Sync

From the Shelf Planner app you can write back stock quantity information. 

Stock Quantity

In the Update Product pages, changing the Stock quantity will automatically update the stock quantity in your store:

Stock is also updated when you confirm a purchase order:

The Quantity Received ads the stock units to the stock you have currently on hand in your store.

Manage Stock Flag

In WooCommerce, you can activate or deactivate stock management with the 'Manage Inventory' flag. 

In our platform, we use this flag to decide if an order proposal needs to be calculated or not. The assumption here is that if you don't want to 'Manage Stock', we also don't calculate the order recommendations. 

The Track Stock flags works in both directions. If it is active in your store, but you deactivated it in the app, it will overwrite the setting in your store. 

This flag should be used with caution, as it will also reset the stock quantity to 0 on both sides.